
I'm Kritik Shivanshu, a passionate UI/UX designer focused on building highly innovative & user-centered design

Get in touch kkshivanshu@gmail.com


A passionate designer plays a strategic role by define and design innovative web-based user experiences, deep knowledge of user-centered design to create elegant enterprise application flows, prototypes and data visualizations.

I focus much on providing the best user experience on any device like mobile, desktop, tv, etc.

I have expertise in "design thinking" process including empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.

In my free time, I love to shoot and make cinematic videos and playing outdoor games like cricket, volleyball, badminton, etc.

  • UI/UX
  • Prototyping
  • Website Design
  • Product Design
  • Creative Direction
  • Product Design
  • Video Editing
  • AdobeXD
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap5
  • JavaScript
Mar - May 2020
UI/UX Designer
June - July 2019
SEO Intern
Feb - Apr 2019
Marketing Intern
View My Resume
My Projects

The web app which provides you a one stop updates on COVID-19. Not only updates, it helps us to find open stores nearby during quarantine period. It also acts as a bridge between the users and the doctors and helps with booking the appointment.

AdobeXD Adobe Illustrator Angular8 Node.js Express MongoDB

A robust weather forecasting application to provide current and 24 hour 7 day weather forecast for any city in the world built with ❤️ using React.

AdobeXD JavaScript TailwindCSS Node.js React

A virtual keyboard with cool effects and key functionalities.

AdobeXD HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery

Cantela is fastest 💨, largest 🌐 and most robust 💪 desktop application which streams music as well as video available on YouTube without any Ads built with ❤️ using Electron.

AdobeXD HTML CSS JavaScript Electron

The Application is based on machine learning algorithm that can be used for assessment of pavement condition on the basis of 🖼️ Road photographs.

Python Tensorflow Keras Tkinter Google-Colaboratory
My Portfolio